· We are almost done the last activities related to the story “L’Arbre Ungali”. Tuesday, March 4, 2014, we have the last French test related to this unit.
The test has 4 sections:
- Dictée #4
- Les questions partielles related to the story
- Le verbe Avoir au present
- Les adjectifs possessifs
Spelling vocabulary list:
1) J’ai fini mon activité.
2) Tu ouvres la porte.
3) J’ai un crayon.
4) Elle aiguise son crayon.
5) Il efface la faute.
6) C’est sa gomme.
7) Je bois de l’eau.
· Next week, we will start our new story “Les Animaux du Bayou”. This story is about friendship and the importance of caring for friends.. We will do the same type of activities.
· Here are some websites for learning French. The last one is for ordering the story for grade 7 if you wish to buy it.
· If you wish to buy the DVD of the story, This is the website from where you may order it:
Amina Ould-brahim, OCT, PhD
French teacher and Science Coordinator
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