Thursday 19 December 2013

Message from Tr. Marwa

Assalamo Alaikum Dear Parents,

I hope that you enjoy the winter break and that you spend a nice and warm time with your kids.

Tr. Marwa

Have a safe holiday :)

Wishing everyone a safe and wonderful winter break!

Monday 16 December 2013

Winter Break Language Assignment

Assalam Alaikum Parents,

                 Students will have a short reading comprehension booklet to work on over the winter break. It will be due January 13th, 2014. Students were given the booklet on Friday and may start it as soon as they please. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me. JazakAllah-Khairan.
                             Tr. Seher


Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

I would like   to inform that grade 4 students have a small project on the Winter season ( weather, clothing and activities). I am attaching the details of the project.
Students were given the vocabulary in class and we drilled orally all the sentences related to the weather, the clothing and few activities.

Just a few reminders that:
  •  this is the student work (if any help is needed, they can ask me any time) not parents's work.
  • students are required to write directly in French even if the sentences are not perfect or contain some English vocabulary
  • students are not allowed to write in English and use Google translator (it will show) but they can use the on-line dictionary to translate some words.
Jazakum Allah kheiran for your cooperation and support,

Amina Ould-brahim,
Projet de Français : La saison d’hiver
Projet :
Ton projet doit avoir les informations suivantes ;
·        Le temps qu’il fait en hiver (2  à 3 phrases)
·        Les vêtements que tu portes en hiver (2  à 3 phrases)
·        Les activités que tu fais à l’école et à la maison. (2  à 3 phrases)
  Ton projet doit avoir aussi des dessins, images ou photos. Tu peux découper des images de la publicité (flyers).
Tu peux présenter ton projet sous forme :
·        D’un poster ou d’un petit livret.
Tu peux découper et décorer ton livret ou ton poster.
Utilise ton imagination et ta créativité.
Evaluation :
The project can be typed or handwritten. The pictures can be drawn or taken from internet or flyers.
Students are evaluated:
·        on the sentences, spelling mistakes (if there are too much),
·        neatness
·        originality and creativity.


Friday 13 December 2013

Math and Science tests

Assalamu Alaikom,

Insha'Allah Grade 4 students will be tested on the "Addition and Subtraction" unit on Tuesday December 17, 2013

They will also have a science test covering the "Habitats" unit on Wednesday December 18, 2013.

Jazakum Allah Khairan for your cooperation and have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Math H.W.

WB p. 34

Math test covering Ch.4 "Addition and Subtraction" on Tuesday December 17th,2013

Please sign Math Test and send it tomorrow with your child

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Social Studies Project


           You will be acting as a travel agent for the Province or Territory you choose. Your task is to create a travel brochure about a specific Province or Territory from Canada. Research your Province/ Territory and choose aspects that may attract potential visitors.

1st – Choose a Province or Territory from Canada

2nd-  Research about the following:
à A detailed map of the Province/Territory
àPopulation and weather reports
à A list of Major cities
à A list of attractions with short descriptions (Pick top 5 attractions)
à Government in practice at the moment
à Languages spoken
à Traditions/ cultures practiced (food, music, art, etc.)


3rd- Create a travel brochure depicting all the information you gathered
Be creative and use pictures.  (This part will be completed in class)




Language: Spelling lesson 10 + Test Friday
Social Studies: Provinces research questions due tomorrow
Art: Hand print due tomorrow
Islamic Studies: Research questions due Thursday


Monday 9 December 2013

Words of the Week

Spelling Words of the Week (Consonant Blends)

1. Grammar
2. Predator
3. Trophy
4. Trapeze
5. Praise
6. Greedy
7. Tractor
8. Grateful
9. Prefix
10. Grouse

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Math and Science H.W.

Math H.W.: WB p. 30

Science H.W. due on Friday

Monday 2 December 2013

Math H.W.

Addition Sheet both pages.

Al-Furqan School Info Session Dec7

Assalamualaikum Dearest Parent,

We will be holding an information session for parents interested in enrolling their child for Grade 5 in September 2014 for our full time program.  Our full time program aims to help students memorize the entire Quran, as well as provide them with a strong academic program.

As a parent of a child currently in Grade 4, you are cordially invited to attend.

The information session will take place on:

  • Saturday December 7th from 11 am to 12 pm at Abraar School 1085, Grenon Avenue, Ottawa, K2K 3A1. 

Please register to attend by emailing to  by Thursday December 5th  2012 at the latest.Please join us to learn more about our full time Quran memorization program and whether your child may be eligible.

Jazak Allahu Khairun,
Alfurqan School Committee

Friday 29 November 2013

Have a great weekend!

Language: Homophone Test Monday
Social Studies: Geographic Region booklet due Wednesday
Math: 3 Puzzle sheets
Quran: All of Surat Almuddathir due Tuesday December 3rd 2013

Update from Tr. Samia

Dear parents

Alhamdulillah by the beginning of the month of December, we have finished Surat Al.Muddather, and we will have a test on the whole surah on Dec 2nd  Insha Allah. Then we will start Surat Al-Muzamil Insha Allah. Please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheikh Ibrahim Alakhadar:  

Quran: Update from Tr. Samia

Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month 
of November: 
4A                                                              4B
 1. Abdulla F.                                            1.Nour.
 2.Adeena.                                                 2.Maryam H.
 3.Fatima.                                                   3.Abdullah M.  
4.Sajida.                                                     4.Bilal.
                       Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Math H.W.

Addition and Subtraction Sheet

A message from Tr. Amal

اولياء الأمور الكرام / السلام عليكم ورحمة الله ويركاته

انتهينا من درس فصل الشتاء , وسيقوم التلاميذ بكتابة تقرير عن فصل الشتاء على شكل كتيب صغير يتناول فيه التلميذ ما يلي:

- حالة الطقس ( عواصف ثلجية - رياح قوية - برد قارص - انخفاض شديد في درجات الحرارة - سقوط الثلج بكميات هائلة تصل إلى......)

- الحوادث التي تحدث نتيجة لرداءة الجو.

- استعداد الناس لمواجهة البرد القارص. ذكر الملابس الشتوية .  أنواع المشروبات والأطعمة الخاصة بهذا الفصل ............

- لهذا الفصل جماله عشاقه ففيه كثير من الرياضات المحببة  التزلج -  التزحلق - التراشق بكرات الثلج........... إقامة المبارييات الدولية 

للألعاب الشتوية  النحت - بناء تماثيل من الثلج  وإقامة معارض لذلك - 

ما أجمل أن يحتوي هذا اكتيب على بعض الصور 

يستطيع التلميذ الاستفادة من دروس القراءة والبحث في الحاسوب إن أمكن 

ملاحظة : تم مناقشة الأفكارالسسابقة مع التلاميذ .

تسليم المشروع يوم ألأربعاء القادم / 4 / ديسمبر 2013

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Homonyms Test  rescheduled to Monday December 2nd 2013 due to the snow storm. I will hand out more worksheets for students to practice this coming week. JAk.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Monday 25 November 2013


Language: Target Audience Worksheet due tomorrow + Spelling lesson 9 (plus test) due Friday
Math: Do math worksheet first page only

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Math H.W.

Mid-Chapter Review Q. 1&2 (to be solved in H.W. notebook)

Monday 11 November 2013

This week's update

Language: Spelling lesson 7 + Test on Thursday November 14th, 2013
                  Adverbs test Monday November 18th, 2013
Social Studies: Physical region Map test Wednesday  November 13th, 2013

Quran: Aya 31 Surat Al-Muddathar due Tuesday November, 12th 2013

Wish List

Grade 4B Wish List:

Assalam Alaikum Parents,

     Here is a general wish list of supplies that will be very helpful to have in our classroom. Feel free to donate what you can and thank-you to the parents who have already donated.



-Ziploc bags (all sizes)
-Bulk or individually wrapped snacks (for students who forget to bring snack)
-Recreational board games
-Educational board games
-Hard or soft cover book for recreational reading
-Paper plates (cups, napkins, spoons etc.)
-Disinfecting wipes
-Hand Sanitizers
-Hand Soap
-Tissue Boxes
-Band Aids
-First Aid kit



JazakAllah-Khairan for your support J


Thursday 7 November 2013

Social Studies Test

Reminder: Physical Regions Map Test on Wednesday November 13th, 2013

The test will consist of locating the different physical regions on a blank map along with short answers.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Class Update

Assalam Alaikum Parents,
       I would like to update you on a few things students are learning about this month.

Language: We started media studies where students will be looking at advertisements, posters, and brochures to get a deeper understanding of how to critically analyze them.

Social Studies: We are still learning about Canadian geography and it's physical regions. We will soon begin major rivers in Canada and roadways.

Islamic Studies: This months theme is cleanliness and purity. Students will have readings and assignments based on this theme.

Monday 4 November 2013

Math H.W. and Science project due

Math H.W. workbook p.18
                   chapter review Q. 13-16

Science Research due Nov.14th, 2013

Friday 1 November 2013

Math H.W.

Math:  Rounding sheet (both sides)
           Workbook p. 18

Math test covering chapter 2 is on Wednesday November 6th 2013 insha'Allah

Have a wonderful weekend..


Language: Good copy of business letter
Islamic Studies: Read chapter E3 and complete think critically and lesson review questions 1-4
Math: Workbook page 16 + worksheet
Quran: Surat Al-Muddather aya 15-30
Arabic: Speakers-- Complete booklet
            Non-Speakers-- Complete worksheet

Quran Update

Quran Update from Tr. Samia

Dear parents

Alhamdulillah by the beginning of the month of November we are halfway through Surat Al-Mudather. We will have a test on the whole surah Insha Allah on Monday December 2nd/Tuesday December 3rd, so please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheikh Ibrahim Alakhadar:  

Quran: Update from Tr. Samia

Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month 
of October
4A                                                                   4B
1. Abduraham U.                                     1.Rayanne R.                                                          
2. Mohamed B.                                        2. Safwane
3. Nermeen                                             3. Alice

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.

Thursday 31 October 2013

News from Tr. Amina

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

In French we have read the story we are working on and we did the first written reading comprehension " Choisis le bon mot".

The next writing activities are " Je mets les mots en ordre" ( I put the words in the correct order) and " Les questions totales"  (total questions where the answer is in the question). Through these 2 activities, students learn progressively how to write correct sentences in French. 

To introduce these 2 activities, we are working on the sentence structure and its components.

This  Monday, November 4th, 2013, students will have the second test in French Insha'a Allah.

The test has 3 components: dictation (students have the vocabulary since Monday, October 28th), Choisis le bon mot (activity was done in class and is related to the story), vocabulary (questions related to daily vocabulary drilled in class). 

Inline image 3

 For any question, please feel free to send me an email or to give a call.

Jazakum Allah Kheiran for your support.


Language: Spelling Test Fri + Rough Draft of Business letter due tomorrow
Quran: Memorize Aya 15-30 due on Tuesday November 5th, 2013

Monday 28 October 2013

Book Fair

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

The first Scholastic Book Fair of the school year is coming to our school this week! What better way to promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary event! A book fair flyer will be sent home with your child on Monday, October 28, 2013. For more information on this exciting event, please go to


Nancy-Ann Brethour,
Abraar School Librarian

Friday 25 October 2013

Busy Week :)

Language: Antonym's Test Monday + Persuasive Writing Test Wednesday
Islamic Studies: Brotherhood Test Wednesday
Math: Chapter Review Questions 1-6
Quran: Surat Al-Muddathir Aya 1-14 Due Tuesday

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Tuesday 22 October 2013


Language: Synonym's Test on Thursday + Spelling Test Friday
                 Synonym's Worksheet due Tomorrow

Math: Mid-Chapter review questions  1-6 in homework notebook

Monday 21 October 2013

Friday 18 October 2013


Language: Hajj essay due Monday (final copy)+ Vocabulary worksheet

Science: Test on November 1st, 2013

Thursday 17 October 2013

Thursday 10 October 2013

Eid Greetings from Tr.Marwa

Assalamo Alaikum Dear Parents,

I would like to say “EID MUBARAK” to everyone, and may Allah grant us his mercy and forgiveness through these blessed days. 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Tuesday 8 October 2013


Spelling Lesson 2 and 3 due tomorrow as well as the weekly test (words should be written in the student's agenda)

A test in all of Surat Al-Qiamah on Tuesday October 22, 2013

  *Field trip on Thursday*

Thursday 3 October 2013

October 3rd, 2013

Math H.W : W.B p. 7 (All) & p.8 (question 2 ONLY)


Spelling Test + Spelling Lesson 2 due tomorrow
Hajj Introduction due tomorrow
Comm Skills page 16

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Oct. 1st, 2013

Math test on Monday October 7th, 2013 covering Chapter 1 "Patterns and Mathematics".

Math H.W. Question 2 ONLY in skills bank sheet.

Monday 30 September 2013

H.W. for Sept. 30th 2013

Math: Workbook page 6
Science: "Different Habitats" sheet due on Friday

Thursday 26 September 2013

Social Studies Test

There will be a Social Studies Test next Thursday October 3rd, 2013 on Continents and Oceans.

Wednesday 25 September 2013


CTBS - Canadian Tests of Basic Skills
Assalamu alaikum Dear Parents,
This is a quick reminder that the grade 4 students started their CTBS ( Canadian Test of Basic Skills) today. It will take 3 days (September 24th to 26th).
The Canadian Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS) are trusted assessment tools that include:
vocabulary, reading, language, mathematics, and science.

The results of the CTBS will help us as teachers to:

• Identify at-risk students
• Make decisions for grouping students
• Plan instructional emphases
• Measure growth of learning
• Evaluate effectiveness of instruction
• Report back to parents on student progress

Jazakum Allah khairan for your cooperation.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Math homework

Math H.W. : Workbook page 5


Language: "Perfect Man or Woman" sketch + Spelling Test Friday

Thursday 19 September 2013


Language: Spelling test tomorrow
Math: Quiz tomorrow
Reading: Book report + short story due Thursday

Tuesday 17 September 2013


Language Arts: Good Copy of Autobiography + Spelling Test Friday
Quran: Surat Al-Qiamah Aya 1-10.
French: Finish Les Mots Caches

Friday 13 September 2013

A note from Tr. Said

Dear Parents,

    My name is Mr.Said and your son/daughter is enrolled in my French class this year. I am looking forward to an exciting year. It is my goal to provide all students with an educationally challenging, yet fun, experience in my classroom. I will recognize the individuality of my students and will provide opportunities for each of them to experience success.

    I have extremely high expectations of all my students. I am asking for your help to maintain those expectations by checking with your son/daughter periodically to make sure that his/her work is being done. I am available to help students during my prep periods.

    I want you to know that one of my most important goals this year is to keep the lines of communication open with you.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me at,  if you have any questions or concerns during the year.



French teacher.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Welcome Letter from Tr. Marwa


Assalamu Alaikom Dear Parents:
My name is Ms Marwa Ahmed and I will be teaching your child mathematics and science this year insha’Allah.  We are looking forward to a great and successful school year in which all of our children will reach their full academic, social and emotional potential.

A good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. Throughout the year, we will communicate through the school blog, e-mails, reports, and parent/teacher interviews. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You can e-mail at I believe that this year will be one of the best yet with your support and partnership. 

Thank you for your support and I look forward to a wonderful and successful year with you and your special someone insha’Allah.

Ms Marwa Ahmed

Grade 4A Homeroom Teacher


Assalamu-Alaikum Parents,

           My name is Seher Shaikh and I am going to be your child's grade 4 teacher this year. I will be the homeroom teacher for grade 4B and the language arts and social studies teacher for grade 4A. On this blog, I will update everyone on the topics we are covering in class, special announcements, and daily homework, inshAllah. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me. JazakAllah-Khairan :)

          Tr. Seher

                         Picture above: One of the activities we did during the first week of school!