Grade 4 students need to submit photos of a specific sunnah to their homeroom teachers. We will place it on a Sunnahgram frame. All student will get to "follow" the sunnah and "like" it by placing their heart-shaped stickers. If you're familiar with "Instagram", you'll understand what's going on here :)
Please email me the picture at my email or Tr. Seher's. Jazakum Allah khairan
Multiplication package p. 8. Technology Requirements: This multiplication activity requires students to use a QR reader app. They are available for free on most tablets and smartphones, including Android, iPhone, and iPad. When students scan the codes with their QR app, the answer to the math problem should be shown in plain text. Some apps may try to display the answer with a web browser. If this is the case, go to the settings or preferences and choose view in “plain text.”
1. أزمنة الفعل (الماضي, المضارع) و تناولنا في الحصتين الأخيرتين فعل الأمر.
2. و تعرّف الطلبة على كيفية تصريف هذه الأفعال مع الضمائر ( المتكلم, المخاطب ,و الغائب).
تمّ تصحيح تمارين كتاب القواعد التي قمنا بحلها في الصف. بعض كتب الطلبة تحتاج لإكمال التمارين. وضعت عليها ملصقا ورديّا. أرجو الاهتمام بإكملها ليوم الجمعه. مع جزيل الشكر.
Mini Speech Competition will be on Monday, March 20th.
Please come prepared :)
Tip: Time yourself at home ( and use cue cards or memorize your speech!!
Here is a list of do’s and don’ts that you should keep in mind when giving your speech.
Do: Become familiar with the judging criteria that you will be marked on (rubric) Memorize your speech. Use of note cards is acceptable for back up. Dress appropriately (no costumes, logos or anything that would identify your school, hometown or county) UNIFORM only. Arrive early so you can relax and become comfortable with the microphone and podium. Make eye contact with the audience during your speech. Be sure to stay in range of the podium microphone while making your speech.
DON’T Don’t go under or exceed the time limit of 2-5 minutes. Don’t use visual aids. Don’t give any personal information.