Monday, 30 September 2013

H.W. for Sept. 30th 2013

Math: Workbook page 6
Science: "Different Habitats" sheet due on Friday

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Social Studies Test

There will be a Social Studies Test next Thursday October 3rd, 2013 on Continents and Oceans.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


CTBS - Canadian Tests of Basic Skills
Assalamu alaikum Dear Parents,
This is a quick reminder that the grade 4 students started their CTBS ( Canadian Test of Basic Skills) today. It will take 3 days (September 24th to 26th).
The Canadian Tests of Basic Skills (CTBS) are trusted assessment tools that include:
vocabulary, reading, language, mathematics, and science.

The results of the CTBS will help us as teachers to:

• Identify at-risk students
• Make decisions for grouping students
• Plan instructional emphases
• Measure growth of learning
• Evaluate effectiveness of instruction
• Report back to parents on student progress

Jazakum Allah khairan for your cooperation.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Math homework

Math H.W. : Workbook page 5


Language: "Perfect Man or Woman" sketch + Spelling Test Friday

Thursday, 19 September 2013


Language: Spelling test tomorrow
Math: Quiz tomorrow
Reading: Book report + short story due Thursday

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Language Arts: Good Copy of Autobiography + Spelling Test Friday
Quran: Surat Al-Qiamah Aya 1-10.
French: Finish Les Mots Caches

Friday, 13 September 2013

A note from Tr. Said

Dear Parents,

    My name is Mr.Said and your son/daughter is enrolled in my French class this year. I am looking forward to an exciting year. It is my goal to provide all students with an educationally challenging, yet fun, experience in my classroom. I will recognize the individuality of my students and will provide opportunities for each of them to experience success.

    I have extremely high expectations of all my students. I am asking for your help to maintain those expectations by checking with your son/daughter periodically to make sure that his/her work is being done. I am available to help students during my prep periods.

    I want you to know that one of my most important goals this year is to keep the lines of communication open with you.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me at,  if you have any questions or concerns during the year.



French teacher.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Welcome Letter from Tr. Marwa


Assalamu Alaikom Dear Parents:
My name is Ms Marwa Ahmed and I will be teaching your child mathematics and science this year insha’Allah.  We are looking forward to a great and successful school year in which all of our children will reach their full academic, social and emotional potential.

A good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. Throughout the year, we will communicate through the school blog, e-mails, reports, and parent/teacher interviews. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You can e-mail at I believe that this year will be one of the best yet with your support and partnership. 

Thank you for your support and I look forward to a wonderful and successful year with you and your special someone insha’Allah.

Ms Marwa Ahmed

Grade 4A Homeroom Teacher


Assalamu-Alaikum Parents,

           My name is Seher Shaikh and I am going to be your child's grade 4 teacher this year. I will be the homeroom teacher for grade 4B and the language arts and social studies teacher for grade 4A. On this blog, I will update everyone on the topics we are covering in class, special announcements, and daily homework, inshAllah. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me. JazakAllah-Khairan :)

          Tr. Seher

                         Picture above: One of the activities we did during the first week of school!